Fix Bros. Fruit Farm is located in the Hudson Valley in upstate New York. Our 5th generation fruit farm grows Sweet Cherries, Red Sour Cherries (Montmorency), Black Sour Cherries (English Morello). Other fruits include: Peaches, Pears and many varieties of apples. While primarily wholesale Apples, we offer Pick Your Own Cherries, Peaches, Apples and Pumpkins during the different seasons. Please see Pick Your Own schedule for different dates. PYO apple varieties include: Honey Crisp, Golden Delicious, Jonagold, Mutsu, Fuji, Acey Mac, McIntosh, Red Delicious, Ever Crisp, Fuji, Reuben Red, Crimson Crisp and Koru. We are always expanding on new varieties.
PYO News
PYO Apple Season is over. Thank you to all that came to the farm!
The last notification with post cards was sent during Apple Season 2024. Please send us your email for further updates. Notify us by email to:
This website was updated on 10/15/2024

The Story of the Tree

The old tree is on standard root, many years before dwarfing roots were developed.
This tree is the oldest McIntosh apple tree on Fix Farm. We figure it is around 100 years old – one of the first ones planted when the farm was established in 1899.
The variety of this apple is very delicious. It is the original strain of McIntosh, although not as pretty as the newer strains, the flavor is superior.
So, in order to continue with this variety, Bob cut some wood from the tree and sent it to the Nursery that we use to have 150 trees made of this variety. We will call it – the Fix McIntosh.

They were planted in our PYO Apple orchard and should produce fruit in a couple of years. You can see how close we can plant these trees now. We hope you will enjoy this variety as much as we do.